Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Most of you are aware that I am in love with food--cooking it, eating it, reading and watching tv shows about it. I like to think that I'm a "foodie", so I decided to test my knowledge with a lttile foodie quiz. Check it out and let me know how you do. I scored 31/38, which means I was just one point shy of the top tier of foodie guru-ness. So I guess I have a few things left to learn.

Nevertheless, this week I've been on a cooking binge. Here are some photos from the past two night's dinners:

Spicy Basil and Garlic Thai Chicken with Asian rice noodles...this might be one of the best things I've ever made. I got the recipe from Rach's February issue (we're tight, me and Rach), and damn. After last week's fried ravioli disaster (her recipe SUCKED), she had lost points with me, but now she's back up there thanks to the absolute yumminess that was this recipe. Go here for the recipe.

Red Rice with Chorizo. Another big winner. I have been eating it for lunches this week, and it's quite tasty cold or hot. Recipe here.

Also, I've been meaning to post this pic since I got back from Greece:

We ordered this monstrosity on Nick's 30th birthday at Zithos bar in Marousi. It was called the "Roman Orgy" and contained three glorious feet of various meats, potatoes, breads, veggies...and God knows what else. There were eight of us at the party, and we were all stuffed by the end and couldn't finish it. I stood on a chair to take this photo of it.

So that's what I've been up to, friends. Cooking and eating...oh yeah, and I sing sometimes too.

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