Friday, March 07, 2008

blue funk

I've somewhat recovered from my blue funk (when I was in middle school one of my friends' moms used to always say her daughter was in a "blue funk" about something), probably due to the fact that it's Friday and there are above freezing temps in our future. Last night I took the wise Allison's advice, and upon coming home from rehearsal, checked in every room and closet and under every bed, then bolted all doors before sitting down to my Thai food and Sex and the City on the tube. Might as well take advantage of watching girly television without any complaints from the peanut gallery. :) I didn't sleep as poorly as I thought I would, only waking a few times in the night and getting back to sleep fairly quickly. So I'm feeling pretty good on this Friday morning. I've accomplished nothing this morning besides doing 20 minutes of yoga in my living room and waiting for Nick's call saying that he arrived in Athens safe and sound. That and watching inane segments on the Today show -- I swear, that show gets more ridiculous by the day. If I have to hear one more "Eat This, Not That" segment.... I refuse to believe that most Americans do not know that a green salad with dressing on the side is healthier than a taco salad from Wendy's. Just as I chose to eat greasy pad thai at 10:00 pm last night, knowing full well what a "poor food choice" I was making, people choose the taco salad because it tastes better and they just don't care. Doesn't the Today show have any more groundbreaking stories to report? I would switch morning shows, but the other choices are Regis and Kelly or the lame people on Fox News. Or maybe I should go to the gym instead.

I'm going to have to spring into action soon, however. My day consists of driving to Palatine to teach for 3.5 hours and then making the ridiculous trek to the south side for St. Matthew Passion rehearsal. In rush hour traffic. I've done it once before, and I already know it's not going to be pretty. The train schedule does not work out, so I'm forced to drive. I've allotted 1.5 hours for the drive, and I hope to God it's enough. Not that there are any serious consequences for being late, but I like to be professional. After rehearsal I may meet up with friends for drinks, but maybe not. I've got this Bach thing on Sunday for which I'm really unprepared and couldn't attend the dress rehearsal, and I need to spend a good part of Saturday looking at it. Saturday night it's looking like a return to my favorite all you can eat sushi joint in Lincoln Park with some Northwestern friends. So I guess I won't be so lonely this weekend after all. Bach and sushi, what more do I need?

Have a good one, kids.

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