Wednesday, September 19, 2007

nothing ever happens on mars

In case you were wondering (all three of you), I made it through the concert without a hitch. The Mucinex came through, once again, and my cords were free of phlegm by 5 pm. I nailed the two high B flats and managed to keep my larynx in a comfortable position for three hours of singing above the staff. It was a very rewarding concert, and I had a ton of fun singing with this group. If my check arrives on time and is for the correct amount (which I have a feeling it will), the whole thing will have been an absolute dream.

The diet (or as I like to call it, starvation station) continues to go fairly well. I went to a Pilates class at the gym today with the notorious Norris (my cousin said a session with him would change my life), and I fear that I won't be able to move tomorrow. It was HARD. He gave us these round torture devices to put between our legs while we did the exercises -- my inner thighs were trembling like a...leaf in a hurricane? I need to work on my metaphors. Anyways, I weighed myself and I lost two pounds. It's probably just water weight but whatev. I continue to eschew carbs and only eat ridiculously high fiber things, like Kashi and these Fiber One bars I found. They have nine grams of fiber per bar, and I think they're responsible for the torrential gas I've been experiencing lately. TMI?

Sore abs, flatulence...yup, life is pretty exciting. I go to the post office pretty much every day to mail out more YAAAAAAP forms (it's much more fun if you say it really fast and just how it sounds. yap. yaaaaap.) And I write checks upon checks to opera companies who may or may not give me an audition. I think i've sent out eleven so far and have gotten word from one company who gave me an audition (!). It's in NYC on October 29th, which is a Monday, so I'll probably fly out Sunday night and back again Monday night. I'm hopeful that I'll get all the auditions to which I've applied, but it probably won't happen. Meanwhile, I need to get back on track with practicing my arias. I had to take a little break for the past few days in order to rest my voice after the Hadyn concerts, but tomorrow I have a voice lesson and I'm back at it. You have to kind of detach yourself from the stress of it all and pondering your odds and bemoaning the audition's the only way to get through it, really.

This post has been incredibly boring and for that I apologize. I'm looking forward to an uneventful weekend of no rehearsals or performances or going anywhere really, except out to dinner. So you can probably look forward to some more boring posts. :)

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