Well, I survived the high schoolers! It was a little terrifying -- the school where I will be teaching is mostly blue collar, and myself and the choir director were definitely the minorities in the room. I presented to three class periods of choir, probably about 120 kids in total. There were lots of interesting questions, such as "How high can you sing?", "Don't you lose your voice a lot, singing like that?", and "Do you have lots of pressure in your life?" (HA! If you only knew, kid). One girl was taking pictures of me with her camera phone while I was singing, There do seem to be a few gems though, so I'm looking forward to helping some talented kids prepare for college music careers. I ended up singing an excerpt of Je veux vivre for them to show off some high stuff, and Can't Help Loving 'Dat Man from Showboat (while I was singing the second one, I realized that it is written in "black language", and I was a white person singing for a room of black kids -- I tried to play down that dialect a bit). I think it will be a good experience, and fairly lucrative to the budget for just one day of work per week. I'm not charging as much as I do for private lessons, but almost. Regardless, it's more than twice as much as I ever made temping.
Now I will post a feast for your eyes: pictures of Traverse City.
Lighthouse at the 45th parallel -- it kind of felt like we drove to the end of the Earth.
wine grapes! We went to three wineries.
mmmmmm Emily likey wine.
barrells of fun!
Ok I ran out of time to upload any more now. I'll leave you in suspense!
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