Thursday, December 14, 2006

we're havin' a heat wave

I am lying in bed right now, sweating through my sheets...and not in the good way. I came home from another night of singing to the jewels to find the radiator spewing heat as though it were -30 degrees outside. I called the management's 24 hour hotline, but of course they can't do anything about it til morning. Not that I really wanted a strange Polish man coming into my apartment to check the radiator at 2:00 am I'm combatting it myself. I've turned on the A/C to 60 degrees, dusted and turned on the ceiling fan, and am lying here waiting for it all to start cooling the place down.

Have I mentioned that I'm sick of living in absurdly expensive apartments that resemble a box, with mice running amok and out-of-control- radiators? That other "I" state to my right--you know, the one in which I was born and reared--is starting to look better and better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

come home!