*I've now obtained the prestigious position of "legal assistant". I'm fairly sure that the guy who I'm taking over for pretty much kept the office running, so I'm a bit worried that my flip attitude toward temp jobs will not fly with this one. The perks of this job have greatly outweighed the (lack of) perks of my last job: better location (don't have to change trains and right next to Millenium Park!), fanTASTIC view, a few people to converse with that aren't middle-aged men, free diet coke, and a (very slight) sense of accomplishment when tasks are completed. The lawyer people, although a strange breed that I haven't quite figured out, are nice and actually seem to care that I exist. There probably won't be a lot of posting at work, but I'll try not to leave you hanging for more than a few days.
*I survived doomsday, better known as the understudy run-thru of the show. I'd been dreading this day for weeks. While our "understudying" was completely ignored for the entire rehearsal period, not even a single coaching given, today we were expected to do a run of the show. With only the other understudies, so minus all the chorus people and secondary characters, since there are only understudies for the leads. I was dreading it for two reasons: 1. I felt unprepared, since I refused to pay a coach out of the meager fee I'm being paid to do the role, and 2. the understudy for the male lead is about two heads shorter than me, and well, awkward. I've always disliked romantic situations with short men, whether on stage or in real life. It makes me feel like a giant beast, and I know it looks stupid to the audience. I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who are perfectly happy with men who are shorter than them, but I'm not one of them. Maybe it's some latent adolescent angst -- I was never very popular with the boys until I was seventeen or eighteen. Hence why I made a rule about five years ago that I would never date anyone under six feet. My last two boyfriends have been six foot three and six foot five. But I digress.
But you know what...it was actually kind of fun. I was in good voice, and I sang the hell out the songs. It felt good to be up there, on stage, singing my ass off, playing the leading lady. I dropped lots and lots of lines, but I know where the problem areas are, and I feel like I could go on if absolutely necessary. I might even want to. Just a little bit. But tomorrow I go back to being Gloria, feisty cousin and bridesmaid of the leading lady. Always a bridesmaid...
I'll leave you with some pictures of our trip to the Chicago Botanic Gardens on Saturday. It was rather hot, but we spent about two hours exploring the gardens. It really is a sight to behold.
fountain in the rose garden
i got a bit hot
aquatic garden
Ahhhhh nature.
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thanks for obliging me
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