Friday, November 03, 2006


I feel like a child waiting for my birthday party to start. You know that feeling you used to get when you were a kid and you just couldn't WAIT for a certain event to happen and hours felt like years? Well, that is how I feel today. Doesn't help that I didn't have much to do today...had a coaching, attended an hour-long class, went to lunch with the first-years...sat on my ass and watched TV for like 5 hours. Now I'm finally getting ready to go out for sushi with my girl Jia-Yee, but really I'm just giddy and counting the hours until I get to pick up Nick! Inevitably, I will wake up at 5 am and not be able to get back to sleep due to excitement. Good thing I'm a grown-up, and I have Xanax now. :)
This must be love...childlike giddiness at the thought of seeing my guy after two weeks of separation.

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