Monday, March 05, 2007

word from abroad

My sister forwarded me an email a couple of days ago that my parents had written her, telling her to forward it to me because they couldn't write me unless I wrote them. I didn't really understand why, until I got this email from my mother this morning:

"Hey Emily, We couldn't e-mail you because the keyboard is different and we couldn't find the "at" sign. :) We just got back from a beautiful gondola ride. Very expensive but very cool and a must do. Our driver was great. Venice is an amazing place. We will call you tomorrow. This is my last time to ck e-mail. Love ya, Mom"

"@" sign debacle aside, they seem to have had an amazing trip. Hopefully Mom will send me a few (hundred) pics so I can post one or two on the 'blog.


Anonymous said...

They crack me up. Dad was really missing the states...he called me once to see if I would find someone to tape CSI and Shark for him. He wanted constant IU basketball updates. God love him, he needs meat, potatoes, sports and American television.

midwest princess said...

God love him.