Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Sorry for the non-posting, kids. Remember that little nagging cough I mentioned in my last post? Well, it turned into full-blown illness. Fever, bad cough, nasal congestion...it was not pretty. Somehow, SOMEHOW (I still don't know how), I managed to perform two shows on both Thursday and Friday (Wednesday's shows were cancelled due to weather). I sounded pretty decent, too. But getting sick on the road is just about the worst place imaginable, and I was pretty miserable. Thankfully, the week came to an end, I came home and didn't leave the house all weekend. Nick cooked homemade chicken soup (he's such a dear) and we spent the entire weekend watching movies and television and me trying to get well. I am feeling better, but my cough is still pretty nasty, and now my voice is starting to go. I'm steaming and tea-ing and resting and trying not to freak out, but we singers have a tendency to freak out when our voices are not right.

So I'm going to go spend some more time steaming. I'll try to get some pics up from tour week soon. In the meantime, it may be pretty quiet on this end. Have a great week, everyone!


Thomas said...

oh no! i hope you get feeling better soon!
i met someone who sings in church with you today, he was sitting next to me in class and saw my name on my paper and said, "i sing in church with your cousin." it was pretty crazy.

midwest princess said...

must have been cary lee!

Elaine said...

Feel better soon! I'd call you, but it sounds like that wouldn't be the best for you! Lots of love!

Thomas said...

it WAS cary lee! hooray for mutual acquaintances!

what time is your church service at? i should come sometime, i haven't done much church shopping.