Tuesday, July 17, 2007

this just in:

Bored temps everywhere unite to counter soul-crushing boredom. From my friend Mark, temping over at the UBS building next door:

I just want to point out, that on my hotmail, there is an add at the top for "earn your degree online!" which is no big deal...we see that all the time, right? So there's a big list of all the jobs you can have, like, accountant, banker, engineer, social worker, and...bounty hunter. Bounty hunter? First of all, is that something you have to have a degree in to be qualified to do? "yeah, my major is hunting people down and killing them, and i have a minor in francophone cultures." Second of all, is that even legal? wtf?? is there something I'm missing out on?

If a bounty hunter makes more than $14 an hour AND gets health insurance, I'm willing to consider it.

1 comment:

Robert said...

ahem, you don't necessarily KILL the person once you've found them.

i'm sick and tired of everyone thinking i'm a killer, when i'm really just bringing people to justice.

at the end of the day, i'm just like all of you.

dog the bounty hunter