Thursday, July 26, 2007

thoughts on a Thursday

I'm feeling much sunnier today after my little Guffman ouburst on Tuesdee. I was able to have a fairly relaxing afternoon yesterday due to my teaching gig in Palatine being shortened (all the students are on vacay). I took to my bed for two hours (I love saying that "I took to my bed" - it sounds so dramatic, as though I intended never to get up again) with a book and a cold gel eye mask, and the results were stupendous: a much cheerier me at rehearsal, even when it took two hours to block a ridiculously simple scene. If only every day could be that wondrous! I'm working on it...the more students I have, the closer I am to quitting the temping.

In other news, my cousin and his wife had their first baby on Tuesday night!

Christina Marie was born at around 8:50 in Ft. Wayne. I'm really jealous that my sister and my mom will get to see her right away--I have no idea the next time I'll be able to get to Ft. Wayne and see her. Sometimes, I wish I lived closer, but then I remember that it's Ft. Wayne...

Lately I feel as though I've become disenchanted with Chicago. It's expensive, the time I spend on public transit in order to travel 5 miles to work is bordering on ridiculous, the "Midwest charm" and "friendly people" seems more of a myth everyday. I'm no longer looking for a life partner (found him!), which seems to be a top reason for many young people to stay in the city. Yes, I love the restaurants and the cultural life and the fact that I can get great sushi or Thai food or Sicilian pastries by just walking 200 feet out my front door. And there are lots of opportunities for me here as a classical singer. But lately I've been feeling like the cost of living isn't worth it, the 2 hours a day spent on the El isn't worth it, and that I might be happier (gasp!) somewhere else. Nick feels the same way. I don't know if Greece is the answer, or maybe somewhere in Indiana, or even elsewhere in the country, but I'm starting to think that we could be happier and live better than we do here, somewhere else. My friends are starting to migrate out to the suburbs, but I don't think I want to go there. The cost of living is still ridiculous compared to, say, Indianapolis, and we'd still probably have a hefty commute. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move back to Indiana, but the appeal is growing every day.

So I think I'll live it up for the next nine months and then see how I feel. Maybe it's just the frustrating week that has me disliking it here. Once upon a time, I loved this city so much and was certain I'd never leave it. But "time marches on, and sooner or later you realize it's marching across your face!" Not really sure how that relates, just needed to throw in a fun movie quote. Laters.


Elaine said...

what do you mean "it's fort wayne..."???? :)

I get to see the baby tonight at 8:30!!! weeeeeeeeee

Elaine said...

She's gorgeous and I could have stared at her all night!